Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tasty Tuesdays : Morning Routine

You might remember that I mentioned Linda Wagner in my last Tasty Tuesdays post. I would not do two food posts in a row about beverages unless I truly thought they could CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Okay, maybe not completely, but definitely lend a huge helping hand to the outlook on your day and your health. Every day, for the past 12 days (with the exception of one - I may have had one too many beers at Oktoberfest the night before and didn't make it to the grocery in the morning, let alone off the couch. Don't hate me, self. Don't hate me!) So every day I have started the morning with hot lemon ginger water.

I switched from my daily coffee to tea a year or two ago, so this wasn't a hard adjustment for me. I haven't had any caffeine for the past 12 days, as my hot drink in the morning is a hot lemon ginger water. Shall we call it HLGW? Oh, no, it doesn't exactly roll of the tongue? Okay, fine. So I enjoy gulp this while doing my makeup and hair in the morning.

Then, a mere thirty minutes later, I'm walking out the door with a smoothie for breakfast that keeps me full until lunch. I feel so much better about drinking a hearty helping of fruits and veggies versus some bread or a big doughy bagel. This green smoothie makes my day!

The only challenging part of the green smoothie has been preparing the fruits and veggies. I know you can buy prewashed spinach, but it did make the dirty dozen list, so I figure that while I'm at it, I might as well go all the way. I buy organic spinach bunches, dirt and all, to de-stem and wash a couple times a week. Hopefully it will become a habit before I know it! Now, if only I could wake up 15 minutes early to enjoy my nice cup o' HLGW.

Here, you are, both courtesy of my new fav, Linda Wagner:

Be sure to check out the link to see all of the health benefits of both lemon and ginger. It'll make you much more likely to go through with it!
1/2 inch knob of ginger sliced thinly or grated
fresh lemon
Stevia to taste (I omit this, but the original recipe calls for it - I don't think it has any health benefits - just makes the drink sweeter)

Pour boiling water over the ginger, let steep for about 5 mins then add lemon juice (and stevia, if desired) to taste.

2 frozen bananas
1 cup frozen mango
1 cup fresh cut pineapple
2 handfuls of baby spinach
ice (if desired)

Add enough water to blend and enjoy, that’s it! Forget the dehydrating morning latte and get the glow with a Green Smoothie instead. This recipe tastes like a dream come true and will make about 32oz.

recipes and images: Linda Wagner

1 comment:

Thank you for your comment! Have a great day!