Monday, January 10, 2011

eat your greens

I've been cooking up a storm lately! This weekend I made Moroccan brisket, stewed prunes, Papa Bear oatmeal (with stewed prunes instead of raisins) and mint chocolate pie.... but tonight. Tonight I made brussel sprouts. And they rocked! Seriously. I kept "snacking" on the leftovers while I put the dishes away. And this is coming from someone who hated them as a kid. I remembered the recipe while at the store, and, as I'm smart phone-less, bought the ingredients from memory. Even though there are only 3, I still missed one. I forgot about the almonds, but I had a can of Blue Diamond Smokehouse flavor at home. I think it may have added to the flavor. Delicous!
Sweet Paul is redeeming himself from the leek debacle. Now I'm off to eat some leftover mint pie and snuggle up to the Bachelor!
image and recipe: Sweet Paul

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